Why should I spend money on this now when I didn’t spend this much on legal expenses last year?
General Counsel (GC) is not for the business that only seeks to react to legal issues. GC is designed for those businesses who wish to be proactive and take their business to a new level. Most small businesses are barred from reaching new heights due to the prohibitive costs involved, of which "legal" is certainly one. GC was created to address that problem, and provide business owners with access to what amounts to an outsourced General Counsel. In this way, the business has the legal help it needs, without suffering from the indigestion of hiring a full-time and expensive employee.
What kind of business needs a GC?
Any kind. Manufacturers. Service providers. Public accommodations. Closely held corporations. Just by living and working Southern California, you are in the single most litigious section of the globe. Business owners these days need a good lawyer that they can trust and with whom have a long-term relationship.
What kind of things can GC do for me right away that will actually save me money, do I don’t have to wait to get sued in order to see some value?
Every business has two constants: they all have employees and they all have contracts. Reviewing these two legal areas provides instant benefit for the client. Do you have an employee manual? When was it last updated? Do you include arbitration provisions in your contracts? Etc. An employment practices and contracts review in the first 60-90 days will show immediate results to your bottom line.